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Thursday, June 11, 2009

How to Start a Lawn Mowing Business

A fine sense of aesthetics of landscaping and greens along with a yen to make an income through sheer toil is just the right kind of pre-requisite for an individual aspiring to set-up a lawn mowing business.

From mowing lawns and trimming rose hedges to adding a beautiful finishing touch to the pretty landscaping in people's lawns, the business of lawn mowing covers vast vistas of work and surely brings about the desired level of income, if done professionally. There are a number of steps that will need to be taken when you are actually planning how to start a lawn mowing business.

Equipment required

High end lawn movers are naturally the most important part of the tools and equipment you will require for starting a lawn mowing business. This particular tool is especially important as most of the gardens are virtually choking with weeds when professional services are sought for their maintenance. Hence, it is important that you select one with utmost care and ensure that it is durable, can withstand constant use and is easy to repair.

Other tools that might be required in the lawn mowing business include the ones for tasks such as edging, digging and trimming. You also need to an adequate own mode of transportation to carry the heavy equipment around.

Service packages

One of the most important tips for starting a lawn mowing business is that you need to have a set of pre-designed packages along with clearly listed terms of services to offer to your clients.

The main thing that needs to be considered when designing such packages is that the lawn mowing business is essentially season oriented. For instance, on the arrival of spring, you need to have attractive packages to reshape and set your clients' lawns afresh for the season. Similarly, in fall, you need to offer services to winterize lawns and performing jobs such as raking leaves.

Financial planning

Right from the start, you need to plan and be sure of the scope of services you want to offer. Make a concrete plan of the cost of services you will offer and the amount of initial investment you will need at the start-up stage. Similarly, try to find out the best rates at which the required equipment is available and draw up a plan that will help you break even in your new business quickly so you can start to earn a profit.

Marketing strategy

Once you have all the initial requirements in place, you need to build up a comprehensive marketing strategy to create adequate market for your services. One of the most economical methods is to have simple fliers printed and have them put up on the community bulletin boards. You can also place an advertisement of your company in the local newsletters, especially in those of the new estates.


Adequate equipment, knowledge about the business and a well-laid out marketing strategy are the crucial factors for those considering how to be successful in lawn mowing business.

In addition, though this applies to all sorts of business ventures, yet the quality of professionalism and service needs to be maintained at a high level. Since you will be dealing with a personal property of your clients, you need to ensure that you offer the finest of services along with meeting the other essential expectations of the client on a regular basis. Not only will a great first impression bring you repeat business but it will bring about word-of-mouth referrals as well.


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