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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Implementing a Five Step Marketing Plan - Kill Three Birds With One Stone

If you're keeping up with internet marketing techniques, you are probably familiar with the concepts of online article submissions, blogging and email marketing. These don't necessarily have to be performed as independent tasks. There is a way to combine these three concepts that will no doubt save you some of your precious time. Hence, the three birds mentioned in the title.

For each of the marketing strategies mentioned above, you need an article, letter or form of written presentation. A good place to start is by writing something that would be appropriate for each. Using a word processor that allows you to save your work in plain text format usually works the best.

Once you have your text written, formatted and proof read, you are ready for the first step of your marketing plan. It doesn't really matter what order you perform these steps in, but if you keep it consistent you will establish a routine and the process will become completely natural in a short period of time.

For example, let's say the first step in your marketing plan is to take your article or text and submit it to an ezine such as EzineArticles.com. You can copy the text from your plain text document into the article submission form. Now your second step could be to copy and paste the same plain text document into your blog. You may want to preview it before posting to check for paragraph spacing and other formatting issues. The third step then would be to copy and paste your document one more time into your email newsletter template and send it off to your prospects or customers. Using this routine, you can ensure that your information is exposed to as large an audience as possible with a minimal amount of effort.

Now that you have effectively "killed three birds," there are a couple of other steps that you can take to increase your audience awareness.

Step four of your marketing plan is taking your blog and submitting your specific blog URL to different bookmarking sites such as Propeller, Delicious and Stumbleupon. This leaves the fifth and final step which is to go to Pingomatic and ping your blog submissions to multiple internet services simultaneously.

Those are the five steps to establishing a basic marketing plan. Notice that the entire process should not cost you one dime out of pocket! Once you've written your document, the actual marketing process should take no more than half an hour. This means you have more time to spend generating leads for your business and following up with those leads.

I hope that you find this information useful in marketing your business, whatever industry you are in.

Cheers to your success!


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