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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Starting a Successful Business Online - How to Create Your Business Plan

If you want to succeed in business, whether online or offline, then you need a plan. It doesn't have to be a fancy business plan done with business plan software either. All you need is a pen and a notebook. Answer the following questions as completely as possible:

What is the topic of my business? i.e. What are you interested in: health, gardening, business, etc.?

Choose a topic you are familiar with. It will make it easier for you to promote your products as well as write about them. This is an area where many fail in business because they choose a topic they know nothing about. Use your knowledge and skills to accelerate your success.

What is my product? Will I create a product, or will I market affiliate programs? Is there an MLM opportunity available? Multi level marketing might help you accelerate your success much more quickly if you can get into an opportunity that offers good training.

Do I need a website, domain, and web hosting? Whether or not you create a website is up to you. If you want to build a list, market multiple programs, or create your own products, you will need a website. A website also builds credibility for your business too.

Also, you will either need to learn how to install scripts or write HTML. This is not as hard as it sounds. If you can read and follow instructions, you will be fine.

How will I market my business? There are so many ways to market your business both online and offline including search engine optimization, article writing, classified advertising, joint ventures, affiliate programs, press releases and others.

Much will depend on whether or not you own your own website or not because many free techniques require that you have a website. If you have a marketing budget, you may want to consider offline techniques like classified advertising or online techniques like pay per click.

Let me caution you though: if you plan to use paid techniques, learn how to do them first. Otherwise, you might be throwing money down the drain.

What copy will I need to write? If you are promoting using classified advertising, you will need to write ads. Same with articles, press releases, and other marketing materials. If you don't know how to write these, you may want consider hiring someone to do it for you.

Finally, don't forget to get a separate bank account, as well as follow the tax guidelines for where you live. This will save you a lot of hassle.

A merchant account and Pay Pal are also handy tools to have regardless of what you sell. Include these in your plan.


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