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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Adversity in Business is Simply a Friend In Disguise

Warren Dickson a successful mountain climber happened to have a terrible accident in which both his legs were amputated. A one tone rock fell on his both legs and it took three days for help to finally arrive. He had to endure a lot of pain, cold and mosquitoes. By the time doctors arrived, it was too late, they couldn't save his legs. This event was such a huge set back in his life since he needed his two feet to climb mountains. This sport was the only thing in his life that gave him self-worth and a livelihood.

After a few months, he was given some metallic prostrated limbs and after months of rigorous exercise; he was back on his feet. Using these limbs, he began mountain climbing again after a few years. His passion not fading he began wheelchair basketball and then later attempted bicycle riding competition. Today, Warren Dickson is an Olympic bicycle riding record holder, he has won many medals for the best mountain climber, and plays basket ball despite his disability. He earns millions of dollars and has become among the richest sports men in the world.

In business, even in our career path, what we think is a setback, in most cases is our comeback and is one of the things that rewards us and redirects our path towards a wider and greater destiny. There are bad things that happen to us and we feel a lot of pain, but after sometime, we look back and appreciate them.

Sometimes I think that if adversity was absent, life would be boring. Don't give up on your small business just because you are encountering difficulties. If I ever gave up on my online business I wouldn't be here to tell you of my success.


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