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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Effective Business Planning - Two Critical Components

Whether you have to build a business plan in order to secure funding for your new venture or are just smart enough to recognize it is the foundation of every successful business, there are a couple things that should be included above all else. Your plan should be a summary of your goals, your best ideas, and where you see your business headed in the future. Instead of rushing it down on paper and forgetting about it, let your ideas and options simmer and collect until it all fits together just right.

Really, that is all you need from this plan: a clear idea of what it is about and what you hope for it to achieve. There has to be a clear purpose if you are going to stay focused and on the right path.

These goals and desires will change with time and you can adjust your plan accordingly, but when you are starting out you need to have a focused direction. This allows you to determine whether specific tasks or opportunities work toward that goal or will steer you off course.

The time to change the plan is when you know for sure something is not going to work or when you have reached a point of success that you can afford to re-evaluate or aim higher. In the beginning, it is just smarter to stick to a given plan until you reach some success.

You will also need the courage and brains to stick with a given budget until the company earns more money. You should know exactly what you have in the bank, how long it might last you, and what you would like to spend it on.

A successful business owner will stay within their budget and carefully analyze every expense to ensure it is worth the amount of capital it will eat up. Over-extending yourself financially at the start could mean bad news if the business does not immediate take off strong.

If you have these two elements down, you can build a business plan that is both effective and functional. You can change it as needed as you go along, and hopefully those changes will be in your favor.


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